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QEST4 Cellular Body ScanQuest4 Cellular Body Scan

Give your body a lie detector test with the QEST4, considered to be the future of healthcare. It non-invasively screens the body for energetic imbalances and produces a comprehensive health analysis in under a minute. The QEST4 reveals deficiencies, sensitivities, imbalances, stresses and much more. Your body comes clean and reveals all its secrets.

We custom design your scan, focusing on selected functional tests, such as:

  • Hormonal evaluation
  • Emotional stressors
  • Circulatory disturbances
  • Digestive maladies
  • Nutritional assessment
  • Immune disorders
  • Weight loss evaluation
  • Food sensitivity analysis
  • Environmental sensitivity profile
  • Metabolic disturbances
  • Sleep disturbances

The QEST4 generates a custom digitally imprinted liquid remedy; our patients fondly call their “magic drops.” Patients leave our office with an in-depth written evaluation of the results of the scan. After reading their “health biographies,” most of our patients have remarked that the findings are “right on.”

The QEST4 allows us to assess your health using galvanic skin response (changes in the electrical resistance of the skin). It also allows us, and this is where the real power of the technology lies, to assess how your body will respond to a large number of different remedies or other substances. The energetic signatures of a large number of substances are individually introduced into the energetic testing circuit and the patient’s response is assessed through skin resistance measurements. Galvanic skin response is a well-established principle also used in lie detector tests.

The theory behind this type of health screening is decades old in alternative medicine, yet it has gained widespread clinical acceptance and is backed by scientific research.

Call Today 410-461-7122 or CLICK HERE to Schedule an appointment!