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How it works

All chiropractic modalities have one thing in common in that they all reduce the vertebral subluxation complex by providing motion or force to the fixated or subluxated joint.

Spinal Injury = Neuronal Subluxation Syndrome = Pathological Read

Neuronal Subluxation + Motion (force) = Subluxation Reduced

So, if you put motion into a joint that is associated with a neuronal subluxation sign, a pathological read, you reduce the subluxation. It is that simple.

All the various types of chiropractic techniques have this motion or force into the subluxated joint in common.VOM delivers its force with a hand-held device. It looks a bit like a spring-loaded doorstop.
Your VOM practitioner has extensive references covering the research investigating the principles portrayed above and can provide them upon request. These references are replete in chiropractic journals.